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Glock 45 w/DeltaPoint Pro

OK Corgi Rancher

Dec 19, 2023
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I finally my Glock 45 with the DeltaPoint Pro on it out to the range today. I don't have a lot of experience with optics on handguns so I'm still trying to train myself into it. Took about 8 rds to dial in the sight and make sure it was good. I resisted the optic thing but I'm definitely warming up to it. The only other one I've ever used was a Holosun 407k. I may pick up another one because the DPP seems just a little big for a handgun. I do like the dot, though. It's the cleanest, most crisp dot on any red-dot type sight I've ever seen. Absolutely no 'star' effect at all.

I was shooting WWB 115gr and some cheapo Sierra 124gr JHPs.

This was a mag (17 rds) from 10 yds standing and taking my time with the new sight & WWB:


This was the Sierra, 17 rds from 25 yds from a bag. Not sure why they're strung vertically like that but it'll do:

This was the Sierra, 17 rds from 25 yds from a bag. Not sure why they're strung vertically like that but it'll do:
Carbon build up and bolt to breech lockup timing and overheating. Makes your rounds string because you lose tighness and dwell time and the barrel loosens from the front sight bushing interface which leeds to barrel flip. Everyone knows this. pfff
It takes some time and a metric shit ton of practice. Work on your proper fundamentals and the dot will come naturally.

Sunday will be a good day with the SB. Unload the gun and work on tracking and dry firing. You'll pick it up quick.

The DDP was too big for my liking.
I did that for like a half hour last night. Initially I felt like I really had to push the muzzle down to pick up the dot. Wasn't nearly as hard to find it this afternoon.
I did that for like a half hour last night. Initially I felt like I really had to push the muzzle down to pick up the dot. Wasn't nearly as hard to find it this afternoon.
It will make you "have to" use proper fundamentals to acquire the dot. That is where some people struggle as they don't realize they are correcting with irons on the fly. I know I did.

What you will find is after running an MRDS for some time, when you switch back to irons for whatever reason, you are much better.
That could be. I've never cleaned the bolt on this particular Glock. Fuck...I don't even know where the bolt is on a Glock.
Pretty sure there is a guy here that can explain it all in great detail to you.
That is where some people struggle as they don't realize they are correcting with irons on the fly. I know I did.
I think that may have been my issue too. I kind of gave up on dots, but may circle back and give it another try.
I think that may have been my issue too. I kind of gave up on dots, but may circle back and give it another try.
It's not for everyone, but I think most can benefit from it . My Major is kind of an old school Fud, but he is coming around. I'm a pain in the ass in that sense and I think he just gave in to shut me up ;)

If you can get one on one training with a real life professional and not someone who thinks they are, it will make things go quick. I eventually did and I think it helped.
I have red dots. I still struggle with the red dot tell I get a couple of mags down the tube. I need to practice more.