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Yall want a men’s health section?

No doubt. Here's the deal, at least my very uneducated guess anyway:

I have Eosinophilic Esophagitis and gastroparasis. I have learned that the EoE, for me anyway, is an allergic reaction. If it try to swallow anything I'm sensitive to my throat closes up and it just WILL. NOT. GO. DOWN. It sticks in my throat right below where your Adam's Apple is and that's it. I'm done. No amount of TRYING will unstick it. And off I run to the nearest bathroom.

I started the Lion Diet about a month ago and feel fine when I follow it. Every single thing I have tried to add back into my diet, with the exception of corn and avocado, has caused a reaction. I don't even try with processed stuff. We are talking whole, unprocessed foods here.

Next is the gastroparasis. My stomach doesn't empty normally. If I eat more than I have learned won't cause me to be miserable (it's much worse than after Thanksgiving lunch miserable) then I wind up sick for 3 or 4 days, or puking for the next 24-48 hours. And no, at that point, it doesn't matter if my stomach is empty after the first couple of go-rounds.

And you haven't lived until you've drug your pillow into the bathroom and just laid in the floor because the dry heaves will not stop. It doesn't matter how much Zofran I take (and I've taken as much as 24mg at a time every hour -- which is not good either).

My weight has fluctuated up and down for the last few years but according to the doctors it's "within normal limits" so apparently my previous diagnosis, and symptoms aren't relevant.

Looking back I believe the only reason I was not losing weight is I was living on processed shit that was high in calories. The stuff I gravitated to had no nutritional value but it made my stomach feel better, even if it aggravated my EoE. Doctors told me that meant my EoE was caused by seasonal allergies.

Between all that and my spinal fractures I was a damned hot mess. I feel better now than I have in 3 years. So ... I'm sticking with this for now and when/if I get under 120 (which is healthy for my height) then I'll see if I can figure out a way to put the skids on.

Also, I watch a lot of popular keto/carnivore doctors on YT (yes I know most of them are chiropractors) and where it has made sense to me I've started supplementation with this, that and the other.

Anyhow, I don't think I have an eating disorder. (If I start bragging about weighing 98 pounds soaking wet then please call me on it.) And I am having the doctor pull blood work when I go in Friday.

I said all that to say I'm trying to be as healthy about this as I can but some things with me are a moving target (no surprise, I've always been a hot mess) but I am keeping an eye on it. Thanks for the concern.
Or you could just do coke on the occasion??? nothing to swallow, its fun, and the results speak for themselves.
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Let’s get this back on track.

Started a serious intermittent fasting diet this week. 20 hours no food, 4 hour window to eat. I typically have a snack when I get home from work, and then a bigass dinner. I feel amazing. I have lots of issues with brain fog, this week I’m feeling sharp. I’m also losing weight already. Likely just water weight, but it’s exciting either way. One of the reasons why I’m doing this is this fella:

My coworker also does this diet and talks very highly about it. I figure I’ll give it a shot and see what happens. So far so good.
Let’s get this back on track.

Started a serious intermittent fasting diet this week. 20 hours no food, 4 hour window to eat. I typically have a snack when I get home from work, and then a bigass dinner. I feel amazing. I have lots of issues with brain fog, this week I’m feeling sharp. I’m also losing weight already. Likely just water weight, but it’s exciting either way. One of the reasons why I’m doing this is this fella:

My coworker also does this diet and talks very highly about it. I figure I’ll give it a shot and see what happens. So far so good.

I started an 18 hour fast along with carnivore in October.I had to drop it after a month so I could work out.
I added some veggies and nothing processed besides cheeses.
I’m down forty pounds,which is ten more than my goal.
My goal wasn’t to be ripped,but it’s happening anyway lol
I’m 52 and my sex drive and energy are similar to a teenager,so I’m all for it lol.
I forgot to mention no alcohol 😭
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Ran for 5 miles or the runs for 5 miles?
You'd be amazed at the stuff I eat before and after a run. A lot of running conversations are about "what sits well" - hell I've eaten spicy Boudin during an Ultra. Nothing really bothers me.

On the other hand, I hate sweet stuff like the energy gels.
I started an 18 hour fast along with carnivore in October.I had to drop it after a month so I could work out.
I added some veggies and nothing processed besides cheeses.
I’m down forty pounds,which is ten more than my goal.
My goal wasn’t to be ripped,but it’s happening anyway lol
I’m 52 and my sex drive and energy are similar to a teenager,so I’m all for it lol.
I forgot to mention no alcohol 😭
Easy, @PanhandleGlocker is here you know!
Figure its time for an update: Since January 22nd I have been doing the One Meal A day deal. I've cut out 99% of my processed sugar intake, 80% of my processed food, and have been focusing heavily on whole foods, fermented food/drink, fiber intake, and being mindful of my nutritional intake. No seed oils, minimal dairy. Typical day is 2-3 cups of black coffee in the morning, first food is sometime between 4 and 6pm. Usually a snack when I get home from work. Celery and Peanut butter, chia seeds, fermented stuff, an apple, maybe some kippers or some leftovers from the week. Then big dinner when the wife gets home. I still try and eat as close to my normally needed 2000-2500 calories a day. On the weekends I'll typically eat breakfast or lunch and dinner to throw off my metabolism and keep it working, so I don't get stuck in a rut. Works out well for me. I can eat dinner every day I'm not in class with the wife, weekends I still make her breakfast or go out for lunch/brunch with the family if invited, and can still take her out to dinner. My diet doesn't interfere with my social life and nobody has to work at accommodating me, which is a big deal for me.

As of this morning, I have lost 11 pounds, 1 inch off my waist, and I've had a significant amount of inflammation disappear. Old injuries were making it really hard for me to get down on my left knee, or bend it much. There was a noticeable amount of visible inflammation. Its completely gone. My brain fog is less, about where it should be. My energy levels are up considerably, and my mood has been great. After 2 weeks of taking it pretty easy at the gym, today I got a decent workout in, and hit a weight on bench press I haven't seen in 10 years, and felt amazing doing it, despite being in the middle of my fast. I figure a lot of the weight loss is due to losing water weight, but still, if this is how things are starting off, without actually fasting for longer than 22 hours, then I'm real excited to see where things go.

Just had to brag to someone. My wife is tired of listening to my shit. I'm really happy with how this is going.
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Figure its time for an update: Since January 22nd I have been doing the One Meal A day deal. I've cut out 99% of my processed sugar intake, 80% of my processed food, and have been focusing heavily on whole foods, fermented food/drink, fiber intake, and being mindful of my nutritional intake. No seed oils, minimal dairy. Typical day is 2-3 cups of black coffee in the morning, first food is sometime between 4 and 6pm. Usually a snack when I get home from work. Celery and Peanut butter, chia seeds, fermented stuff, an apple, maybe some kippers or some leftovers from the week. Then big dinner when the wife gets home. I still try and eat as close to my normally needed 2000-2500 calories a day. On the weekends I'll typically eat breakfast or lunch and dinner to throw off my metabolism and keep it working, so I don't get stuck in a rut. Works out well for me. I can eat dinner every day I'm not in class with the wife, weekends I still make her breakfast or go out for lunch/brunch with the family if invited, and can still take her out to dinner. My diet doesn't interfere with my social life and nobody has to work at accommodating me, which is a big deal for me.

As of this morning, I have lost 11 pounds, 1 inch off my waist, and I've had a significant amount of inflammation disappear. Old injuries were making it really hard for me to get down on my left knee, or bend it much. There was a noticeable amount of visible inflammation. Its completely gone. My brain fog is less, about where it should be. My energy levels are up considerably, and my mood has been great. At the gym today I got a pretty decent workout in, and hit a weight on bench press I haven't seen in 10 years, despite being in the middle of my fast. I figure a lot of the weight loss is due to losing water weight, but still, if this is how things are starting off, without actually fasting for longer than 22 hours, then I'm real excited to see where things go.

Just had to brag to someone. My wife is tired of listening to my shit. I'm really happy with how this is going.

I’m just being a stickler… but… one meal a day means just eat once. No snackin! At least I think that’s what that means.

Glad to hear somethings working out for you! The hardest part is getting started.

I am doing OMAD this week because I’m a Chiefs fan and I know I’m gonna go crazy on carbs at the Super Bowl party. I will weigh before Sunday since I haven’t weighed in over 15 days.
Figure its time for an update: Since January 22nd I have been doing the One Meal A day deal. I've cut out 99% of my processed sugar intake, 80% of my processed food, and have been focusing heavily on whole foods, fermented food/drink, fiber intake, and being mindful of my nutritional intake. No seed oils, minimal dairy. Typical day is 2-3 cups of black coffee in the morning, first food is sometime between 4 and 6pm. Usually a snack when I get home from work. Celery and Peanut butter, chia seeds, fermented stuff, an apple, maybe some kippers or some leftovers from the week. Then big dinner when the wife gets home. I still try and eat as close to my normally needed 2000-2500 calories a day. On the weekends I'll typically eat breakfast or lunch and dinner to throw off my metabolism and keep it working, so I don't get stuck in a rut. Works out well for me. I can eat dinner every day I'm not in class with the wife, weekends I still make her breakfast or go out for lunch/brunch with the family if invited, and can still take her out to dinner. My diet doesn't interfere with my social life and nobody has to work at accommodating me, which is a big deal for me.

As of this morning, I have lost 11 pounds, 1 inch off my waist, and I've had a significant amount of inflammation disappear. Old injuries were making it really hard for me to get down on my left knee, or bend it much. There was a noticeable amount of visible inflammation. Its completely gone. My brain fog is less, about where it should be. My energy levels are up considerably, and my mood has been great. After 2 weeks of taking it pretty easy at the gym, today I got a decent workout in, and hit a weight on bench press I haven't seen in 10 years, and felt amazing doing it, despite being in the middle of my fast. I figure a lot of the weight loss is due to losing water weight, but still, if this is how things are starting off, without actually fasting for longer than 22 hours, then I'm real excited to see where things go.

Just had to brag to someone. My wife is tired of listening to my shit. I'm really happy with how this is going.
Good for you man. That’s encouraging to hear
I’m just being a stickler… but… one meal a day means just eat once. No snackin! At least I think that’s what that means.

Glad to hear somethings working out for you! The hardest part is getting started.

I am doing OMAD this week because I’m a Chiefs fan and I know I’m gonna go crazy on carbs at the Super Bowl party. I will weigh before Sunday since I haven’t weighed in over 15 days.
Yeah, you’re right. I guess you could say I just have a window where I allow my insulin to spike and process food/calories. To ensure I’m still getting my calories and nutrition gotta stretch it out over an hour or three. I’ve been averaging 21 or 22 hours fasting. I think next month I’ll do my first 72 hour water fast, and try to do one each month. Twice a year I plan on a 7-10 day water fast.

Def keep us updated on where you’re at before and after the Super Bowl.
I cut out all my sugar intake. Man I went through withdrawals. Now if I can stop vaping.
Man, I believe in you. I finally managed to quit smoking April 2023, after countless attempts. Just decided I was done, and quit. I still get cravings regularly, and occasionally dreams, but I’m over it and it’s never happening again.